Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Neighborhood

Every day we see various suffering people, without jobs, shelter and even food in our very own neighborhoods. Our mission is to bring change one neighborhood at a time, creating centers that provide education, shelter, jobs, and a future for the community because we believe that charity begins at home.

How many of us have looked at pictures from Africa or Middle East and wished we could help out a child or the community there? How many times have we stopped because it is too far to go and volunteer? Or because we cannot see the impact our money might be making? Most of us have been through that situation, but what we fail to realize is that we do not have to go that far to contribute to the society. Our motto is “Charity begins at home.” We need to start with our own neighborhoods and help the people around us in order to create a better world.

I am passionate about this because I have seen neighborhoods like Skid Row right next to financial hubs like the Financial District of Los Angeles. This shows us how unequal our own society is. We pity other societies but we do not realize that our own community is suffering every day, facing disease, hunger, homelessness and so on. This is why we need to start working in our own neighborhoods. My neighborhood as an organization hopes to get locals active in their community, spreading their knowledge to create education, volunteering to provide shelter and food until the people are able to stand on their own feet and guiding the youth in the right direction.

What makes us unique is the fact that we are not simply giving charity, creating more victims, rather we aim to bring individuals into our centers to provide them education that might help them get jobs. Not only that but educate individuals about health issues, social issues and guide them towards more respectable lives. We also intend to provide youth centers that focus on providing positive activities for the youth. We intend to provide food and shelter to those who have no skills, and during this time period they can work at the centers as volunteers while learning new skills that will prepare them to step out into the real world. This will keep them active instead of just getting charity.

I believe AMDP should support this organization because we need to start working in our communities to create a better world, not only for the unfortunate souls but also for ourselves. It will increase the productivity of our society and country as a whole leading to a bright future where these very individuals will work towards a better world. But this change has to start at home and that is the goal of My Neighborhood.

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